Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteRetry
com.healthmarketscience.rmiio Provides classes for robust usage of RMI, primarily for streaming data. 

Uses of RemoteRetry in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio

Subclasses of RemoteRetry in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio
static class RemoteRetry.Always
          Simple implementation of RemoteRetry which always retries RemoteExceptions thrown from the remote method call.
static class RemoteRetry.Never
          Simple implementation of RemoteRetry which never retries.
static class RemoteRetry.Simple
          Simple implementation of RemoteRetry which retries RemoteExceptions some number of times and uses the backoff strategy from simpleBackOff(int, org.apache.commons.logging.Log).
static class RemoteRetry.SimpleAlways
          Simple implementation of Always retry strategy which uses the backoff strategy from simpleBackOff(int, org.apache.commons.logging.Log).

Fields in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio declared as RemoteRetry
protected  RemoteRetry RemoteWrapper._retry
          the retry policy we are using for our remote calls
static RemoteRetry RemoteOutputStreamClient.DEFAULT_RETRY
          The default retry policy used by this class's wrappers if none is specified by the caller.
static RemoteRetry RemoteClient.DEFAULT_RETRY
          The default retry policy used if none is specified by the client.
static RemoteRetry RemoteRetry.NEVER
          instance of the RemoteRetry.Never retry strategy for general use.
static RemoteRetry RemoteRetry.SIMPLE
          instance of the RemoteRetry.Simple retry strategy for general use.

Methods in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio that return RemoteRetry
 RemoteRetry RemoteWrapper.getRemoteRetry()

Methods in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio with parameters of type RemoteRetry
 int RemoteInputStreamWrapper.available(RemoteRetry retry)
 void RemoteInputStreamWrapper.close(boolean readSuccess, RemoteRetry retry)
 void RemoteOutputStreamWrapper.close(boolean writeSuccess, RemoteRetry retry)
 void RemoteOutputStreamWrapper.flush(RemoteRetry retry)
 byte[] RemoteInputStreamWrapper.readPacket(int packetId, RemoteRetry retry)
 void SerializableInputStream.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry retry)
 void SerializableOutputStream.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry retry)
 void RemoteWrapper.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry retry)
          Sets the client side RemoteRetry policy to use for the underlying remote communication layer.
 void RemoteClient.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry newRemoteRetry)
          Sets the client side RemoteRetry policy to use for the underlying remote communication layer.
 void RemoteIteratorClient.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry newRemoteRetry)
 void SimpleRemoteIterator.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry newRemoteRetry)
 long RemoteInputStreamWrapper.skip(long n, int skipId, RemoteRetry retry)
 boolean RemoteInputStreamWrapper.usingGZIPCompression(RemoteRetry retry)
 boolean RemoteOutputStreamWrapper.usingGZIPCompression(RemoteRetry retry)
<R> R
RemoteWrapper.wrap(Class<R> iface, R stub, RemoteRetry retry, org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
          Simple wrapper generator which creates a Proxy for the given remote interface.
static InputStream RemoteInputStreamClient.wrap(RemoteInputStream remoteIn, RemoteRetry retry)
          Wraps a RemoteInputStream as an InputStream using the given retry strategy.
static OutputStream RemoteOutputStreamClient.wrap(RemoteOutputStream remoteOut, RemoteRetry retry)
          Wraps a RemoteOutputStream as an OutputStream using the given retry policy.
static OutputStream RemoteOutputStreamClient.wrap(RemoteOutputStream remoteOut, RemoteRetry retry, Integer chunkSize)
          Wraps a RemoteOutputStream as an OutputStream using the given retry policy.
 void RemoteOutputStreamWrapper.writePacket(byte[] packet, int packetId, RemoteRetry retry)

Constructors in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio with parameters of type RemoteRetry
RemoteInputStreamWrapper(RemoteInputStream stub, RemoteRetry retry, org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
RemoteOutputStreamWrapper(RemoteOutputStream stub, RemoteRetry retry, org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
RemoteWrapper(RemoteType stub, RemoteRetry retry, org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)

Uses of RemoteRetry in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio.socket

Methods in com.healthmarketscience.rmiio.socket with parameters of type RemoteRetry
 void RMISocket.Source.setRemoteRetry(RemoteRetry retry)

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